By Alabama’s mom Lauren Rogers
Starting at Alabama’s 10th birthday we celebrated with a photo shoot and a special treat! I knew that day that if he were to make it to 13 he was going to have a Bark Mitzvah – just as I had a Bat Mitzvah when I turned 13! When the day finally came, we had the Bark Mitzvah in front of a green screen to make it extra special by placing him into a “synagogue”! We brought in a table covered in blue as the amud (prayer lectern from which the service is led). Alabama wore a kippah and a doggie tallis (prayer shawl), had a stuffed Torah to “read from,” plus a tasty treat.
Alabama is no longer with us, and we miss him dearly. We now have another precious dog named Hollywood, who is 2-years-old. When the time comes, we’ll have a Bark Mitzvah for Hollywood!
You can follow Hollywood on Instagram @hollywoodthegsd.